Truman's Presidency (1945-1953)


AS level The American Dream: Reality and Illusion (1945-1980) Mindmap am Truman's Presidency (1945-1953), erstellt von Saffron Mills am 01/12/2016.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Truman's Presidency (1945-1953)
  1. Foreign Policy
    1. August 6th 1954 US drops first atom bomb on Hiroshima
      1. August 9th 1945 US drops second atom bomb on Nagasaki
        1. Japan surrenders on August 14th 1945
      2. 12th March 1947 Truman Doctrine
        1. An act of containment against Communism
          1. inspired by George Kennan's Long Telegram
            1. February 22nd 1946
            2. he believed Greeece and Turkey were being threatened by communist aggression
              1. Truman asked for $400m to help them
            3. 1947 Secretary of State George Marshall proposes that the US should provide economic assistance to help post-war Europe
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