Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Desert
- Animals
- Large surface area
compared to volume
- Stops overheating
- Efficent with water
- Little Sweat
- Small amounts of urine
- Good in hot conditions
- Thin fat layers
- Helps lose body heat
- Camouflage
- Avoid Predators
- Sneak up on prey
- Plants
- Small Surface Area
compared to Volume
- Spines to reduce water loss
- Reduces Water Loss
- Water Storage Tissues
- Cactus stores water
in its thick stem
- Maximising water Absorption
- Shallow but extensive roots
- Arctic
- Small surface area
compared to volume
- Reduces heat loss
- Insulated
- Thick Blubber
- Thick hairy coats
- Camouflage
- Avoid Predators
- Sneak up on prey
- Competition
- Plants
- Light, space, minerals from soil
- Animals
- Space, food, water, mates
- Environmental Changes
- Living Factors
- Change in occurrence
of infectious diseases
- Change in number of predators
- Change in number of prey and available food sources
- Change in number of competitors
- Non-Living Factors
- Change in average temperature
- Change in average rainfall
- Change in air/water
pollution levels
- Affects
- Population
Size Increase
- More prey=more predators
- Population Size Decrease
- Less food available
- Population Distribution
- Organism moves where it lives
- Indicator Species
- Herbivore
- Only eats plants
- Carnivore
- Only eats meat
- Omnivore
- Eats plants and meat
- Producer
- Produces the Food
- Consumer
- Eats the Food
- Detrivore
- Eats dead matter
- Measuring
- Living Indicators
- Lichen-air pollution
- Indicate how clean the air is
- Mayfly Larvae-water pollution
- Finding them indicates
clean water
- Plants
- Detering Predators
- Armour-thorns, spines, shells
- Poisons
- Warning colours (e.g. wasps)
- Extremeophiles
- Organisms living in extreme environments
- Environment
- Glucose Stored in Leaves
- CO2 absorbed in leaves
- Roots absorb water & nutrients