An idea for a bill from any citizen: Environmental Issues


Mindmap am An idea for a bill from any citizen: Environmental Issues, erstellt von educjosephlarime am 04/04/2014.
Mindmap von educjosephlarime, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von educjosephlarime vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

An idea for a bill from any citizen: Environmental Issues
  1. Citizen contacts a Congressman
    1. Only a Congressman can submit a bill for consideration.
      1. Bill is submitted to Congress
        1. Submitted through House of Representatives
          1. Submitted through Senate
            1. Bill is assigned to a Committee
              1. This is where most bills die in Congress
                1. Determines if bill is worth the time in Congress
                  1. Allows for careful revision of bills to ensure the best possible law
                  2. Bill is reported out of Committee
                    1. Bill is investigated and debated
                      1. Majority vote needed to leave committee
                        1. The bill goes to debate on the Floor
                          1. Debate limited in the House by the Rule Committee
                            1. Filibuster in the Senate can prevent bills from passing
                              1. Floor acton on the bill
                                1. Amendment to the bill could be added
                                  1. Vote on the bill
                                    1. If no: the bill dies
                                      1. The two houses could pass different versions of the bill
                                      2. Bill goes to conference committee
                                        1. Any differences in the two bills are reconciled
                                          1. Compromise bill goes back to houses for a final vote
                                            1. Bill goes to the President for signing
                                              1. If he signs it then it becomes law
                                                1. Veto
                                                  1. Part of the Checks and Balances
                                                  2. Bill goes back to Congress for Veto override
                                                    1. 2/3 vote required for ovveride
                                                      1. If no override, no law
                                                        1. Bill becomes Law!
                                        2. Allows for democracy
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