Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Main cause of 1905
Rev. Continued
- Army
- Contribution
- Defeats in Russo Japanese War
highlighted weaknesses
- Caused national humiliation
- Contributed to outbreak of revolution
- Mutinies
- E.g. battle Potemkin
- Spread to other units
- 1/3 army weakened by mutiny
- Counter- arguments
- Army remained loyal to the Tsar
- Used to restore order in cities
- Killed over 1000 people
- Arrests, crushed riot/strikes
- Helped after Treaty of
Portsmouth was signed
- Suppressed protests
- Tsar Nicholas and the Govt
- Role in causing rev.
- Bloody Sunday
- Responded to peaceful
protest with violence
- Shocked/provoked anger
- Culmination of years
of unrest/discontent
- B/c of autocracy
- Took Russia into Russo
Japanese War
- Highlighted weaknesses
- Despair turned to anger
- Caused economic
- Working class
- Sergei Witte industrialisation
- Worsened working
class conditions
- Overpopulation
- Unsanitary
- Took no action to reverse Alexander III's reforms
- Decisions (e.g. BS) led to revolution quicker
- Unwillingness to make concessions/Oppressive
Rule resulted in growing opposition
- Tsar's personality
- Shy, easily led and narrow minded
- Had a Conservative view b/c
of Pobedonostsev
- Couldn't sympathise with
political groups
- Not suited to role
- Counter arguments
- Inherited discontent with his role
- E.g. Russification, Emancipation
- Created under father's reign
- Tsar alone could
not be blamed
- Many believed Tsar would
be superior against Japan