Canadian Literature in English


Filología Mindmap am Canadian Literature in English, erstellt von Edi Vila Pedro am 08/12/2016.
Edi Vila Pedro
Mindmap von Edi Vila Pedro, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Edi Vila Pedro
Erstellt von Edi Vila Pedro vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Canadian Literature in English
  1. Modernist Poetry
    1. E.J. Pratt
      1. "The Shark"
      2. A.M. Klein
        1. "Red Levi Yistchok Talks to God"
          1. "Heirloom·
          2. The Montreal Group
            1. A.J.M. Smith
              1. "The Lonely Land"
                1. "Sea Cliff"
                2. F.R. Scott
                  1. "The Canadian Authors Meet"
                    1. "All the Spikes But the Last"
                  2. Dorothy Livesay
                    1. "Green Rain"
                      1. "Day and Night"
                        1. "The Secret Doctrine of Women"
                        2. P.K. Page
                          1. "Stories of Snow"
                            1. "Arras"
                            2. Al Purdy
                              1. "The Country North of Belleville"
                                1. "Wilderness Gothic"
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                              ähnlicher Inhalt

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