Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- When a user connect to our server, we'll give to him a
session key. With this session key we can save the follow
details to our database and the user can have access to
those from he's browser any time.
- Request the follow variables, given name
(35 chars), middle name (35 chars), family
name (35 chars), mobile number (15 digits),
address line 1 (35 chars), address line 2-5
(optional | 35 chars), postcode (8 chars),
email (optional | 255 chars),
- http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/+/http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/media/254290/GDS%20Catalogue%20Vol%202.pdf
- Check if the important variables is ok and
if the regex for eveny of those variables is
- If is not, return { status :
'unsuccessful', message: 'The
parameter x doesn\'t match
with the type y' }
- If is true, return { status:
'successful', message: 'The
variables looks ok' }
- Gives to the browser
a list of the dentist
near to the house of
the client.
- The user have to select one of those
dentist and to close the appointemt.
When that's happen, I'll request from
the user a payment method
- If the payment is
unsuccessful, we'll stop the
- If the payment is successful, we'll ask
from the user if he want to set a
password for he's personal details.
With that option he can have access to
he's details from any computer by he's
mobile number/email and this
password. Also we close the
appointment for him.