Research: "A careful, systematic, patient study or investigation in some field of knowledge


Differences and Similarities
Xilena Aldeán
Mindmap von Xilena Aldeán, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Xilena Aldeán
Erstellt von Xilena Aldeán vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Research: "A careful, systematic, patient study or investigation in some field of knowledge
  1. Differences
    1. It is controlled
      1. Applied to current issues and questiona
        1. Conclusions and generalizations are arrived at carefully and cautiously
          1. Everyone can be the researcher
          2. Similarities
            1. Educational Research: ‘The collection and analysis of information on the world of education so as to understand and explain it better”
              1. Differences
                1. University-based researchers
                  1. It suffers from inadequate control
                    1. It generalizes even unpopular findings.
                      1. Applied to educational problems and questions
                        1. Description is fundamental
                          1. Findings are restricted to observed particular cases
                        2. Systematic
                          1. Process based
                            1. Designed to gather, interpreate and report information
                              1. Produce useful knowlwdge
                                1. Logical and objective
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