Zusammenfassung der Ressource
2c Design
- Colour
- Must be suitable for user to view data
- e.g. contrasting dark text with light
- Positives
- O - Attractive interface
- O- Can use oporate colours
- O - Good for seperation
- O - Soft background can aid dislexic
- Negative
- X - Some colours aren't distinguishable by the colour blind
- X - Too many colours can be distracting
- X- Clashing colours e.g. red and green, may be unattractive.
- Layout
- Positives
- O - White space makes system look less cluttered
- O - Consistency makes it easier to be familiar with software
- e.g. common buttons in same
place on each page
- e.g. Consistent input devices,
less switching
- Similar menus and submenu
structures and options
- O - Less time looking for items
increases productivity
- O - Common theme in package means more
transferable skills between sofware
- Logical tab order and
- left to right and up to
- Quantity of information
- People can only remeber about 7 items at a time,
not to much info given at a time.
- This can slow user as they will have to keep re-reading items
- Related info kept together
- Has to be relevant to tasks
- Font
- Legible e.g not curvasive
- San serif (no curls) is reasy to
- comic sans for kids
- Size appropriate to user
- 12pt for adults
- 14-16 pt for
- X - Bad font or style can cause strain from
changing focus and lower productivity
- Language
- Clear and non-complex. Not technical
- No slang
- X - Harsh error messages can be
- O - Use constructive messages
- Form Controls
- Radio Buttons
- O- User only has one choice, so prevents error of selecting multiple choices
- X- User may feel more than one option is suitable
- Labels
- O - Change be changed
- O - Useful for instructions
- X - User can't customise instruction e.g. change font size.
- Text box
- O - User can enter text of their choice
- O - Data can be validated
- X - Text for commands has to be
written in specific ways
- X - Prone to spelling errors
- Drop-down boxes
- O - User is given selection saving time typing
- O - Automatic validation
- O - No unwanted enter
- X Options may exclude what best suits the user
- X - User may accidentally chose adjacent option
- Spinners
- O - User doesn't need keyboard to change numerical values
- X - Takes long time to input large figures
- Tick box
- O - More than one can be selected for a more inclusive view
- X - Things might get clicked and selected accidentally.
- Button
- O - Customisable with macros
- O - User doesn't need to know how it works
- X - User may not know what the button does
- X - Badly set up button may cause errors