Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Bowlby’s theory of attachment
- Bowlby believed that an attachment
promotes survival in 3 ways;
- 1) Safety
- The attachment keeps
mother and child
close to each other.
Separation results in
feelings of anxiety.
- 2) Safe base for exploration
- The child is happy to wander and explore
(necessary for its cognitive development)
knowing it has a safe place to return to if
things turn nasty. This also develops
independence necessary in later life.
- 3) Internal
working model
- Bowlby believed that this first relationship
forms a template or schema that gives the
child a feel for what a relationship is. It uses
this in future years to develop other
relationships and is particularly important in
determining the parenting skills in later life.
- Sensitive period
- Being innate Bowlby believed
there would be a period in
which they were most likely to
develop, similar to the critical
period for imprinting
- Unlike a critical period, a
sensitive period suggests a time
when they are most likely to occur.
Bowlby believed that for the human
infant this was between the fourth
and sixth month. After this it
becomes ever more difficult for the
child to form a first attachment.
- Social releasers
- Being innate the child has built in
mechanisms for encouraging care-giving
behaviour from parents. Children have
‘baby faces’ and their noises and facial
expressions such as smiles encourage
contact. It seems that adults are
genetically primed to respond to these
releasers by offering care and affection
- Continuity hypothesis
- The internal working model ensures
that early attachments are reflected in
later relationship types. For example,
a secure attachment as a child leads
to greater emotional and social
stability as an adult, whereas an
insecure attachment is likely to lead to
difficulties with later relationships
- Irreversible
- Once made
the attachment
cannot be
- Monotropy
- Bowlby, who was in the ‘one’ camp of
attachment, did not actually believe that
only one attachment was formed, rather
that there was only one primary attachment
- The ‘many
attachments’ approach
believes there are many
attachments and that
they are all similarly
important to the child.
- Thomas (1998)
- Children will benefit from
a variety of attachment
styles provided by
different caregivers, so
for example an attachment
to a father figure will
provide benefits to the
child that a mother alone
could not provide
- Bowlby (1969)
- There was a hierarchy of attachments,
with a primary caregiver, usually the
mother at the top.
- Schaffer and Emerson’s
- Glasgow babies study found that nearly a
third of infants had five or more
attachments by the age of 18 months.