Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Agents of
- Family
- Rewards
- Rewarding for good grades through an
award of money from parents.
- Encourages good behaviour and
would make them value
achievements more.
- Sanctions
- If a child is impolite, they may be put on the
naughty step or disciplined in some other way.
- Enforces valuing manners and courteousness.
- Role models/immitation
- Likely to adopt mannerisms from parents, such as the
way they walk and talk.
- Effects behaviours i.e. the way a child walks and talks.
- Manipulation
- Mothers manipulate girls into being submissive and
dependant, and boys into being active and independent.
- Changes children's behaviour,
girls are more likely to accept a
life of housekeeping.
- Verbal appelation
- By the use of masculine nicknames like 'little monster' for
boys and alternatively for little girls the name 'princess'.
- Behaviour becomes more masculine or
- Canalisation
- Girls and boys are channelled into appropriate
gendered activities, by playing with certain toys or
playing certain sports. As said and defined by Ann Oakley.
- Behaviours change to what they
associate with being more feminine
or masculine roles.
- Informal social control
- Households generally have house rules, that you
should not transgress, like set curfews.
- This makes children value
authority and their behaviour
adapts to the rules.
- Education
- Canalisation
- Children may study different subjects or play
with certain types of toys based on their
- Boys may want to be a superhero, doctor or builder
when they grow up, whilst girls may want to work
with animals, be a mum or a Nurse when they grow
- Role
- Social science teachers are more likely to be
female, whereas natural science teachers are
more likely to be male.
- Boys are then more likely to study natural sciences and excel in these
areas, whereas girls are more likely to choose to study as social science
and excel in this area.
- Sanctions
- Detentions for not being punctual.
- In order to avoid punishments like this again, children
may reflect on their behaviour and become punctual.
- Rewards
- For good behaviour, children may
get 'golden time', a time for play.
- Encourages good behaviour to please the
teacher and get more 'golden time'.
- Informal social control
- As said by Althusser in relation to the hidden curriculum,
children are taught that it is acceptable to live in an
unequal society.
- Norm of tolerating unfairness and respecting
authority are then installed.
- Formal social
- Children must attend school from the age of 5, and cannot take
holiday during term time without being fined.
- Children develop the norm of school life and
that term time is the only holiday time they
can take.
- Peers
- Role models
- May look up to another, more popular,
member of the social group, may begin
to smoke because it is something they
also do.
- Effects an individuals
behaviour, as their
social norms and
values are adapted.
- Sanctions
- May phase people
out the group if they
have a disagreement
or transgress the
boundaries of the
- Effects an individuals
behaviour because they feel
the need to submit to the
groups expectations and so
become more submissive.
- Informal social control
- Peer pressure, as defined by
Harris, it can effect a child's
identity more than a family
can influence a child's identity.
- Influences
behaviour through
socialising people
into shared norms
and values of the
- Work
- Formal social
- Work sign workers into contracts
which may be legally binding, with
clauses like the Scott v Avery clause
which reduces workers choice and
- Charlesworth said that the working
class experience lives of negativity
with over exposure to the media.
- effects perception of
social norms and values,
value prime time
entertainment and
family, it is a norm to be
- Sanctions
- If behaviour transgressed rules of
conduct, may be put on disciplinary.
- indicates that their behaviour will
not be accepted, encourages a
change in behaviour.
- Rewards
- For good work and
behaviour that has
benefited the company,
may receive a promotion
or a pay rise.
- change in social behaviour as they mould
to be a good worker with encouragement.
- Role
- May look up to those of
higher ranks in the workplace.
From those the person may
adopt norms and values.
- Changes their norms
and values, begin to
behave like others.
- Religion
- Sanctions
- If you don't follow their
values you may be
exiled by the Catholic
church, such as
- Sets an example that people should not
follow, through shaming, then people
begin to adopt their values.
- Informal
social control
- The 7 deadly sins in the
bible are essentially
boundaries and rules to act
as guidance for people.
- People evaluate their behaviour to avoid
transgressing boundaries.
- Role
- Nuns and priests etc act as
gendered role models for
people who follow the christian
- influences values and behaviour, abstinence
and marriage may become more valued to
the person.
- Canalisation
- Islam is argued to be a good moral
guide for Muslim girls, which is from
the sociologist Butler.
- Girls adapt their behaviour to follow the moral guide of Islam.
- Media
- Sanctions
- May shame members of both
genders for anything that isn't the
perfect body image. magazines like
'Gossip' and 'OK' are renowned for
their front page body shaming.
- By those who see celebrities as role models,
will encourage them to go to the gym, eat
healthier or may actually cause unhealthy
eating habits. this is considered to be their
social behaviour.
- Those who transgress social norms and political
views, like the Daily Mail's political views, may
feature embarrassingly as a story within the paper.
- Shows some people that this is considered
unacceptable behaviour, encourages
- Role
- Bandura said that exposure to
violence in the media effects
children's development, they
are more likely to commit
crimes and develop violent
- Influences behaviour, as
they become more violent.
- Manipulation
- Naomi Wolfe said that the idea of a
perfect body image is a means to
manipulate women.
- Effects behaviour, people become more
obsessive and can be argued to
encourage eating disorders.