Zusammenfassung der Ressource
National Government; Economic and Political Extremism
- The National Government was blamed for depth of the
Depression, the appeasement of Hitler, the failure of
overcoming social divisions and mass unemployment
- Shift in Industry - Effects of the Depression largely
relied on what how rich you were where you lived
and whether you had a job or not
- Those who worked in older staples industries were
hit the worst Factories closed and hald the
population was out of work for years
- Where industries were expanding there was new
opportunities for entertainment and leisure, new
consumer goods and new suburban houses
- For these reasons Britain appeared to be completely
different Nations as the divide was largely noticable
- Issues - Depression - mass unemployment Political
Extremism caused a serious danger Rise of
Aggressive dictators like Hitler, Franco and Mussolini
- National Policies
- Financial Policy
- Success/Failure
- Gold Standard - Britain had to abandon the Gold Standard September '31 which was not a bad thing
- The value of the pound fell which made British exports
cheaper and more competitive However other countries
also left the Gold Standard so success was limited.
- Britain sold more exports to it's empire within the
'sterling area' which only partly made up for the
demand from America and Germany
- The Bank of England was able to reduce its interest rates which made it easier for
industries to borrow money to invest on modern machinery as well as making it easier
for consumers to borrow money on mortgages
- Wage cuts of public employees as well as unemployment benefits
helped maintain international confidence and stopped the banking
- However, it lower total demand for
goods and service in the depth of
World Depression Unemployment
rose '32-33 Cuts didnt save the Gold
- Housing Boom 2 million houses built in 30's which
created more jobs and also made more of a demand for
furniture and fittings - However many were for
- Balance Budget and limit
government spending
- 10% unemployment benefit cuts
and introduced 'means test'
- Cuts in wages of public employees
- keep pound stable by intervening in
currency markets
- lower interest rates to 2% in '32
- Trade Policies
- 'sterling area' members use the pound
rather than gold to settle their trading
- passed Import Duties Act '32, imposed tariffs
to protect British industry and agriculture with
exemptions for empire countries
- Agreed a form of imperial tariff system at the Ottawa
Conference in '32 - Commonwealth countries help in
Canda, agreed trade relations in the Depression.
- Made trade treaties with various countries,
allowing a quota for their imports into Britain in
return for a similar quota for British Exports
- Industrial Policies
- Success/Failure
- Special Areas Act - only £2m aid and only very most depressed
areas - Despite high unemployment many old staples industries did
not qualify - Prefered the unemployed to move rather than building up
industries around them - Public worker schemes were on a much
smaller scale than America and Germany
- Closing down uncompetitive shipyard
mills and mines meant those left
standing attracted new investment -
However new machinery meant a lot less
people were employed, in Jarrow 70%
were unemployed
- Special Areas Act '34 - Provide
government aid to most depressed areas
- Cotton Industry Act '36 closing down all non-profitable
mills to reduce surplus capacity in industry
- British Shipping Act '35 provide loans for shipping
companies scrap older ship to build new ones
- North Atlantic Shipping Act '34 loans to help restart
the building of the Queen Mary
- Marketing boards for milk, bacon and potatoes
providing guaranteed prices for farmers, Subsidies
for live stock farmers and sugar beet growers
- Economic Recovery
- Growth of Consumption - The Depression
lowered prices so those who had a job found
that their wages stretched further
- Home Market
- New Industries - such as motor vehicles, chemicals and civil aviation grew
Output of motorcars doubled between '29-39 Even staples industries recovered
Coal production '38 was at 227 tonnes almost the same as back in '28
- New Jobs - encouraged growth of jobs in service
such as transport and retail. Mass entertainment was
also another growing sector of employment
- Motor industry employed 400,000 workers by '39
- Rising consumer demand led to an
expansion in the Home Market. This
stopped the Depression from getting
worse and helped it recover
- Electrical demand doubled in 30's Radios and motor
cars grew '38 9 million wireless sets in private homes
and 2 million private cars on the road
- Real Wages - the term for measuring income
by what it will buy, taking prices into account
- Rise in real wages helped raised demand at
home and partly offset the fall in demand abroad.
Also trend such as smaller family size meant that
those in work had more to spend.
- Methods of production - such as assembly
lines and the use of electrical power enabled
many goods to be sold more cheaply.
- Rearmament - Stimulated both old staples such as
shipbuilding and new industries such as aircraft
Many unemployed in Jarrow found work '38-39
- Political Extremism
- Communist Party of Great Britain - Support grew in the 30's After communist
regime was estbalished in Russia '17, it appeared they were building what
British sympathisers called 'a new civilisation' - equality was promoted
- Conservative Views
- Fear of Communism was often exaggerated to weaken the support of the Labour Party
Zinoviev Letter and allegations of Communist influence over General Strike During the 30's
Communists did play key role in many strikes and many Trade Union leaders were members
or sympathisers
- Organisations
- National Unemployed Workers' Movement 50,000
members - hunger marches and mass demonstrations
which sometimes lead to violent outbreaks
- Newspaper the Daily Worker had 80,000 circulation a
day Left Book Club had 50,000 memebers
- Universities
- some headway in universities however student usually lost
interest once they had established their careers.
- Apostles; network of spies, who had been passing secrets
to the USSR during the war and early cold war years.
- Overall Effect - Although it obviously had some influence it
never really posed a serious threat Peaked 18,000 members
Opposition within Trade Unions was limited by moderates such as
Ernst Bevin. Labour Party refused to work with CPGB as they
wanted to gain support back by diverting from political extremism
- Secret Service kept a close eye on it's leaders,
sympathisers and activists Police were not discouraged
from cracking down hard on communist led or inspired
- Faced with mass unemployment the break up of the
Labour Party and creation of the British Facist Party
membership of CPGB rose Particularly so in late-30's with
the outbreak of the Spanish civil war
- British Union of Fascists
- Support - Much of its support lay around London ,
Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds.
- Oswald Mosley - Powerful speaker His book was said to be
'intellectually superior to the writings of Hitler and Mussolini' Wrote
3 books, many articles and many speaches but there were few
other talented people in the party.
- Collapse of Labour Party Failure of National
Government Appealed to anti-semitism two-edged
sword...for every supporter Mosley gained at least
one potential supporter was turned off
- Some were won over by the argument over
tariff to protect the declining textile industry
Some Labours Thoe who wanted better
relations with Hitler to prevent war
- Overall Effect
- No serious effect Credible political figure of
the 30's Had the National Govrnment broken
up in 33 or 34 like the Labour had ithen Mosley
may of had his chance
- 50,000 members, enough to make an
impact but far from mass movement,
declined to 5,000 '35
- No MPs nor even local councilors
- Violence of London's Olympia Hall '34 lost support of
Lord Rothermore Declined by becoming associated
with Nazi regime and Hitler
- Limiting Political Extremism
- Policies
- Incitement to Disaffection Act
used to prosecute communists
- Public Order Act '36 - forbade
wearing of political uniforms and
gave police greater power
- Banned political meetings and
demonstrations (no Nuremburg
Rallies in Britain)
- Moderation - Labour Party refused
to support Communism. Moderates
from Trade Unions such as Ernst
Bevin held other extremists back
- Communist Realisation
- By the late 30's it had become a realisation to
some members the brutality of Communism in
USSR Also turned away from Communist Russia
when Stalin made the Nazi-Soviet Pact with Hitler
- Mussolini's invasion of Abyssinia turned people away from
Fascist Italy. Germany's violence became well known too,
Kristallnacht and aggrssiv e foreign policy.
- Economic Recovery
- Reduction in unemployment by '37 lead to decline in
support Midlands and South East had new industries
- Overall
- Communists never had an outstanding leader
Mosley was impatient, a poor administrator and
made political mistakes
- BUF associated with thuggery Continued strength of Britain's political
institutions especially parliament and Monarchy