Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Sports And Health
- Physical Education
- Does not occur enough
- school does not want to add more periods to it.
- Moderate only for sports CCA,but for the other no physical activity at all
- Recess/Lunch
- Food/Eating is more importang
- Food
- Students,teen not achieving their nutrtious needs
- too oily
- not enough nutrients
- always eating fast food
- Sports Fiesta
- Once or twice a year only
- Gym
- For P.E O.S.I.E students only
- campaign
- Health Promotion Board
- health diet plate,pyramid
- Parks
- long connected
- Mentally Healthy
- Socially
- influence by friends
- gaming,cycling
- Able to sociallize
- Self
- Sufficient sleep
- Able to deal with stress
- activities Programmes
- Colour Run
- OSIM Sundown
- OCBC Cycle
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Steroids
- Malnurition
- High Blood Pressure