Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Evidence of Youth
- Labour Market
- Labour Force Survey (1999), 12.3% aged 15-24 were
unemployed compared with only 4.9% of people over 25
- Baron and Norris, Young people more likely to
be found in the secondary labour market
- Institute for Public Policy Research, Are still 868,000 out of
work 16-24 year olds and 247,000 have been looking for over
a year
- Income and Wealth
- Gramsci, youth do not question their exploitation
through the labour market. Accepting things like
zero-hours contracts
- The Guardian (2007), more likely to be unemployed
and have lower incomes, 1 million jobs for young
people lost since 2007
- End Child Poverty (2013), 3.5 million children living in poverty in
Uk. Almost 63% of them live in a family where someone works
- Social Mobility
- Observer (2014)
- Median Pay of 22-29 year olds £9.73
an hour 10% lower than in 2006
- Proportion of 18 to 24 year olds in work fell from
65% at start of 2007 to 56% at the end of 2012
- Guardian 2012, Under 25's at least twice as likely
to have experienced prejudice
- Health
- National Statistics.gov.uk, 6 in 10
diagnosed with chlamydia are aged 16-24
- Sir Michael Marmot, life expectancy for women and death rates among the
under 5's are worse in the UK compared to the rest of Europe
- Barnardos 2000, 1/5 children and teenagers experience psychological problems.
Ill health among children is rising, with particularly respiratory disease and
emotional problems
- Crime
- Hough and Roberts (2004), Public perception of the extent of youth crime
is far greater than the truth. 42% believed all crime was by the young but
it was only 10-20%
- ONS, risk of being a victim of murder or manslaughter
in 2007/08 was highest for men aged 16 and 20.
- Child abuse and elderly abuse among those crimes most
likely to be hidden from official statistics (dark figure of crime)
- Media
- Griffin, media portrays youths as a social problem in 3 ways;
dysfunctional, suffering a deficit and deviant
- Thornton, Rave culture- moral panic
- Cohen, Mods and Rockers- moral panic