Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Mapa 1 de biología
- water cycle
- condensation
- infiltration
- precipitation
- purification
- transpiration
- precipitation
- surface
- the properties of water
- universal solvent
- boiling and melting points
- temperature regulation
- density variation
- the importance of water
- water in living things
- ater and climate
- water and human health
- water and landscape
- human water use
- consumptive
- non-consumptive
- water pollution
- biological pollution
- chemical pollution
- physical
- water treatment
- collection
- purification
- water molecules
- one oxygen atom
- two hydrogen atoms
- states
- liquid
- fresh
- brackish
- salt water
- solid
- snow and ice
- gas
- water vapour
- inland water
- surface water
- ground water
- glaciers