Risk Management Standards


A-Levels 1. Introduction to Risk Management Mindmap am Risk Management Standards, erstellt von helen_woolford am 06/05/2013.
Mindmap von helen_woolford, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von helen_woolford vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Risk Management Standards
  1. Scope of RM Standards
    1. ISO 31000
      1. IRM
        1. COSO ERM
          1. CoCo
      2. Overall approach to RM
        1. + description of RM process and Framework
        2. 3 approaches: "Risk Management" Internal Control" "risk-Aware culture"
        3. Risk Management Framework
          1. RASP
            1. describes and defines context
              1. Supports RM process
                1. communication and flow of informaiton
              2. COSO ERM frmaeowkr
                1. RM and internal control
                  1. Multidirectional , interactive process
                    1. Geared to achieve corporate objectives- strategic, operations, reporting and compliance
                    2. ISO 31000 RM process
                      1. Establish context
                        1. Risk assessment
                          1. risk treatment
                            1. communication and consultation
                              1. monitoring and review
                              2. Alternative approach
                                1. CoCo- Criteria of control
                                  1. Risk culture most important consideration
                                    1. Purpose, vision & mission
                                      1. Commitment to integrity and ethical values
                                        1. Capability, authority and responsibilties
                                          1. Learning and development of competence
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                                ähnlicher Inhalt

                                Approaches to defining risk
                                Impact of risk on organisation
                                Principles and Aims of risk management
                                Chapter 1
                                Types of risk
                                Development of Risk Management
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