Visualisation of information


mind map on different ways of visualizing information
Rocio Cebrian
Mindmap von Rocio Cebrian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rocio Cebrian
Erstellt von Rocio Cebrian vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Visualisation of information
    1. used to structure the main contents of a topic hierarchically
      1. often created around a single concept. (radial diagram)
        1. center-out
          1. show connections between pieces of the whole
            1. Application context: personal note taking and reviewing
            2. CONCEPT MAP
              1. Top-down diagram
                1. shows relationships between concepts
                  1. learning support for students
                    1. Application context: classroom teaching, self study, revision.
                    2. CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM
                      1. systematic depiction of an abstract concept in pre-defined category BOXES with specified relationships.
                        1. left to right or top to bottom
                          1. application context: slide presentations, text illustration, etc.
                          2. VISUAL METAPHOR
                            1. Graphic structure that organizes content meaninfully
                              1. uses the shape and elements of a familar artefact or easialy recognizable activity or story
                                1. uses the associations with the metaphor to convey additional meaning
                                2. Application context: text book illustration, summaries, presentations.
                                  1. use to memorize key elements
                                    1. bottom-up, top-down, in-out, out-in ...
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