

GCSE History (Liberal Reforms) Mindmap am Reforms, erstellt von teganowen am 08/04/2014.
Mindmap von teganowen, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von teganowen vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Seebohm Rowntree
    1. 1901
      1. "people who didn't work didn't eat"
        1. 28% of York in poverty
        2. children
          1. Free school meals
            1. 1906
            2. Children and Young Persons Act
              1. 1908
                1. punishment for treating kids unfairly
                  1. no cigarettes or make them beg
                    1. no prison
                  2. old age
                    1. Pensions
                      1. 1908
                        1. over 70s
                        2. married couple
                          1. 7s 6d a week
                        3. workers
                          1. labour exchanges
                            1. 1909
                              1. help find work
                              2. national insurance act
                                1. 1911
                                  1. part 1
                                    1. free medical insurance
                                      1. sick pay
                                      2. part 2
                                        1. unemployment pay
                                    2. parliament act
                                      1. 1911
                                        1. general election every 5 years
                                          1. used to be 7
                                        2. Lloyd George
                                          1. became loved
                                            1. "god bless Lloyd George"
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