Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Financial methods to motivate employees
- Bonuses
- Pay rise
- Comision
- Performance related pay
- Insentive to perform to the best
of your ability
- Experience doesnt count
- Overtime
- Pay workers to meet demand
- Overtime work can be unproductive
- Make more sales
- Motivation can fluctuate
- Happy employees
- Increase cost
- Non finanancial methods
- Job enrichment - an increse in the level of responsibility
- Job enlargement - an increase in the the of responsibilities
- Job rotation - varying the tasks that an employee does to reduce boredom
- Employees that produce the most, should receive the most in pay
- Employees that refuse the policy should leave
- Produced the production line
- Machinery to speed up tasks
- One job and one only
- £
- Low motivation despite high pay
- Hireachey of needs
- Higine factors
- Pay
- Job security
- Social status
- Motivation
- Goals
- Promotion
- Responsibility
- Environmental factors
- Social groups increase production
- Team building events
- Work harder when being observed