Motivational theory in practice at Tesco


Mindmap am Motivational theory in practice at Tesco, erstellt von Sam Meaker am 11/01/2017.
Sam Meaker
Mindmap von Sam Meaker, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sam Meaker
Erstellt von Sam Meaker vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Motivational theory in practice at Tesco
  1. What Tesco does to motivate its workplace
    1. Benefits to Tesco of having a motivated workforce
      1. The staff will think they are being pushed more so they will want to work harder
      2. What is motivation?
        1. Motivation is about attracting a person to do something because he or she wants to do it.
        2. Theories of motivation
          1. Herzberg
            1. Believes in 2 motivational tactcs
              1. 2. Hygiene factors
                1. 1. Satisfiers
              2. Maslow
                1. Believes in Hierarchy of needs
                2. The Mayo effect
                  1. Internal or external factors may motivate a person to change or develop their actions
                    1. Great communication
                      1. Great teamwork
                        1. Showing interest in others
                      2. Taylor's motivational theory
                        1. People work purely for money
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