Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The New Deal - Alphabet Agencies
- EBA - Emergency Banking Act
- People had lost
faith in banks
- In March 1933,
Roosevelt closed
banks for 4 days
- Only properly
managed banks
could reopen
- Restored public
confidence in
- AAA - Agricultural
Adjustments Administration
- Designed to help farmers
- Farmers had suffered much
during the depression
- Paid farmers to
produce less food
- This was hoped to make prices rise
- Controversial as many
people in the USA were
hungry and poor
- Provided relief and
- FERA - Federal Emergency Relief Administration
- Gave aid to the needy
- Provided relief
- $500 million spent on providing clothing and soup kitchens
- CWA - Civil Works Adminsitration
- Aimed to provide
short-term jobs
(employment relief)
- 4 million jobs created building and improving roads
- Ended after winter of 1933-34
- PWA - Public
Works Administration
- Aimed to organise long-term work schemes
- Built schools, hospital etc.
- Only skilled workers benefitted
- WPA - Works
- Helped build roads and public
- Employed 2 million Americans
- CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps
- Gave work to single,
unemployed men for 6 months
- Planted trees,
cleared land and
made reservoirs
- Payment was food, clothing, shelter
and pocket money
- NRA - National Recovery Administration
- Designed to help workers and bosses
- Minimum wage
agreed on for workers
- Working conditions agreed on
- HOLC - Home Owners Loan Corporation
- Designed to help people who were struggling to pay mortgage
- Lent people money to pay thier mortgage
- Stopped people from
losing homes
- TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority
- Tennessee Valley had
high unemployment
- Jobs made building dams
- Land became more fertile; fewer floods
- Sporting and leisure
facilities were created