Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Outline and evaluate one social psychological theory of aggression
- Can use Social Learning Theory or Deindividuation.
- Deindividuation= process where normal constraints on behaviour are weakened as a person loses their sense of individuality
- Anonymity- Deindividuation- Aggression
- Research Support: Zimbardo- guards with glasses, anonymous so became very aggressive.
- Mann: Study on crowd baiting, looked at 21 suicides and in 10 cases crowds urged victim to jump.
- SLT= Idea that we learn through observation. three stages: Observation, Vicarious reinforcement and
- Study support Bandura: Bobo Doll Study and found that children imitated behaviour of models when seeing them hit a doll violently.
- Noble argues that there are demand characteristics because he observed a child from the stdudy say "look mummy there's the doll we are meant to hit."
- Issues with SLT
- Issues with Deindividuation
- Johnson and Downing: Nurses in uniforms gave less shocks than people in hoodies etc. This criticises the theory because they state that any uniform should cause deindividuation.
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