Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Evolution of Psychology
- William Wundt (1832-1920)
- In 1879 Wundt established his
first laboratory for research in
Psychology, so after he made
his first journal that was
devoted to psychology
- Eventually wanted his
work to be more in depth
and scientifically
- A lot of people began to study under him and soon
branched of to start their own journey. Many
laboratories around the world were started
because of his students.
- G. Stanley Hall (1846-1924)
- Hall 's important contribute to
psychology was that he started
the American Psychological
Association also known as APA
- Was elected its first president at the University he studied at
- Science is born
- Structuralism Vs Functionalism
- William James (1842-1910)
- Functionalism wanted to
investigate more of the
conscious mind
- Stream of consciousness
- Edward Titchener
- Professor at Cornell University
- Structuralist, wanted to go beyond into
the conscious thinking and explore
- Introspection
- Behaviourism
- John B. Watson (1878-1958)
- Wanted scientific psychology to be about observing
rather than studying consciousness
- Questioned if
psychology was all
about nature vs
- Unconsciousness is brought into the
- Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
- Freud treated
people who had
problems with
- Freud was famous for using the unconscious way to make
people over come whatever fears or issues they had. The
unconscious mind had so much valueable information that
helped Freud with his work.
- Psychoanalytic was
introduced around
the world in 1920
- Behaviourism
- B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)
- Controlling the behaviour of
animals and manipulating the
outcomes of their behaviours
- Humanist Revolt
- Carl Rogers & Abraham Maslow
- Both agreed in order to understand
people you first have to understand
their behvaiour and their personal
- Carl Rogers started his
own approach to
psycho-therapy and is
known as person-centered
- Psychology
becomes of
- There is 2 way psychology has
adapted: Applied psychology which
deals with the everyday problems
and clinical psychology which deals
with the diagnosis and treatment
of psychological disorders
- Clinical
psychology is a bit
more popular
than applied.
- The Return of Cognition
- Many psychologist
went back to the
conscious experience
and it was also known
as cognition
- Jean Piaget main
focus was children's
cognitive development
and Noam Chomsky
gain interest in
- Cognitive
theorists argued
that psychology
will be better to
understand once
they fully
- James Old
stimulation to
the brain and
the outcome
would be either
pleasure or
- Seven Key Themes
- Theme 1: Psychology is Empirical. When
we say psychology is empirical we say
that it is based mainly on observation
and to think critically
- Theme 2: Psychology is
Theoretically Diverse. Psychologist
not only observe but they also
construct theories
- Theme 3: Psychology Evolves in a
Sociohistorical Context. Looking at a
society at large, observing trends that
impact psychology, just looking at it
from a different point of view
- Theme 4: Behaviour is
Determined by Multiple
Causes. Behaviour is
intertwined with
different opinions of
others and not just the
one person
- Theme 5: Behaviour is Shaped by
Cultural Hertiage. Culture is what
makes a person who they are,
influences people, makes people feel
whole like they are part of something.
- Theme 6: Heredity and Environment
Jointly Influence Behaviour. The
personal traits of a person makes
them, them, without the personal
traits everyone would be the same.
- Theme 7: People's
Experience of the
World is Highly
Motivation and
expectations shape a
persons life,
sometimes what they
see isnt really what
people see.