Natural Law


Everything has a purpose Ethics is the struggle to determine what is right or wrong, or ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Some ethical theories are hedonistic – they say that pleasure (and the absence of pain) are the only ultimately ‘good’ ends towards which to aim. Some Christian ethicists argue that following God’s will – as revealed through prayer, scriptures and prophecy – is the ultimate good.
Simran Nagra
Mindmap von Simran Nagra, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Simran Nagra
Erstellt von Simran Nagra vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Natural Law
  1. everything has a purpose
    1. primary precepts
      1. "good is to be done and pursued and evil is to be avoided"
        1. leads to the secondary precepts
          1. PREGS
            1. protect and preserve human life
              1. reporduce
                1. educate offspring
                  1. love God
                    1. Live in society
                2. Thomas Aquinas
                  1. 13th century
                    1. summa theologica- fulfil purpose of good
                    2. Absolutist & deontological
                      1. primary precepts are self-evident principles
                        1. Primary Precepts are not concerned with actions themselves, but with our telos or purpose.
                          1. . For Aquinas, man's final purpose (telos) is happiness with God, something for which we all have an innate desire. The Primary Precepts are our natural inclinations that guide us towards this final purpose.
                            1. secondary precepts; these are rules that govern our specific actions. The secondary precepts are what makes Natural Law appear deontological.
                              1. secondary precpts
                                1. certain actions were seen by Aquinas to be contrary to human nature. Reason would then give us absolute secondary precepts that would always hold.
                          2. apparent and real good
                            1. Following a ‘real’ good will result in the preservation or improvement of self, getting nearer to the ‘ideal human nature’ that God had planned.
                              1. apparent goods that may be pleasurable (e.g. drugs) but ultimately lead us to fall short of our potential.
                                1. Reason is used to determine the ‘real’ goods.
                              2. God
                                1. Aquinas believed in life after death, which leads to a different understanding of God’s plan for humans.
                                  1. Natural Law can be upheld by atheists, but there seems no good reason for keeping to Natural Law without God.
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