

Mindmap am Audiences, erstellt von Ella Budgett am 18/01/2017.
Ella Budgett
Mindmap von Ella Budgett, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ella Budgett
Erstellt von Ella Budgett vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Primary/Target Audience
    1. Males and females
      1. Our duo is made up of a boy and girl which means people of both genders will be able to relate to the duo in some way
      2. Young adults/students Ages 16-24
        1. Fans of the Electropop genre
          1. Would consume music through digital means
            1. SoundCloud and YouTube are popular online websites for our TA age group
              1. Likely to download on iTunes which is available on portable devices such as smartphones
            2. Secondary Audience
              1. People that are interested in the developing UK music industry
                1. MiraJax are new on the UK music scene
                2. Fans of similar genres to electropop - e.g. pop and alternative music
                  1. People of older ages that like electropop music
                    1. Likely to listen to the songs through buying the actual album
                  2. Tertiary Audience
                    1. Fans of music in general
                      1. Could hear about our video via word of mouth or see it on suggested videos when on YouTube
                      2. People interested in universal ideologies
                        1. Our music video explores the idea of breaking free form restraints so this theme could appeal to a tertiary audience
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