Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Primary/Target Audience
- Males and females
- Our duo is made up of a boy and
girl which means people of both
genders will be able to relate to
the duo in some way
- Young
Ages 16-24
- Fans of the Electropop genre
- Would consume music
through digital means
- SoundCloud and
YouTube are popular
online websites for
our TA age group
- Likely to download on
iTunes which is available
on portable devices such
as smartphones
- Secondary Audience
- People that are
interested in the
developing UK
music industry
- MiraJax are new on the
UK music scene
- Fans of similar genres to
electropop - e.g. pop and
alternative music
- People of older ages that
like electropop music
- Likely to listen to the
songs through buying
the actual album
- Tertiary Audience
- Fans of music in general
- Could hear about our
video via word of mouth
or see it on suggested
videos when on YouTube
- People interested in universal ideologies
- Our music video explores
the idea of breaking free
form restraints so this
theme could appeal to a
tertiary audience