Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Emergence of youth subcultures -
- Functionalist
- Peer subcultures give youth's a
sense of belonging which they no
longer receive from the family
and have not yet experienced
from work
- Parsons
- 'Youth' emerged due to changes
in the family associated with
development of capitalism
- Developments in work
required more training
and socialisation for
young people
- 'Right of passage' between
childhood and adulthood
- Eindstadt
- Reduces stress and gives
young people a sense of
- Abrams
- Youth culture created
by the media
- Youth emergence linked to
youth spending power
- Marxist
- Youth subcultures are a form of
resistance against the ruling
class and a reaction to the
economic situation
working-class youths found
themselves in
- Hall and Jefferson
- Resistance through rituals
- Feminist
- McRobbie and Garber
- Girls are conspicuously
absent from most research
on youth subcultures
- Mulvey
- Male Gaze
- Bedroom Culture
- Postmodernist
- Youth styles are now much
more fluid and changeable
- Manchester Institute of
Popular Culture (MIPC)
- No clear identity found in 'club cultures'
- Thornton
- Subcultural capital
- Know whats in and
out, used to gain
status and
distinguish from
- Redhead
- Media-driven reality
- Media formed cultures
- Neo-Tribes
- Bennett
- Neo-tribes clear when
looking at nightclubs in
- Maffesoli
- Loosely organised grouping with no
fixed membership or commitment
- Holland and Chatterton
- Rather than having Neo-tribes, we have the
majority of youths characterised by
commercial chart music, drinking culture
and pleasure-seeking behaviour.
- Polhemus
- Supermarket of style
- Postman
- Disappearance of childhood
- Due to media
interference and
increased learning
- Youth to stop children facing adult problems