Zusammenfassung der Ressource
7 Henry VI:
'Over-Mighty Subjects'
- It can be argued that Richard,
Duke of York comes very close to
defining an 'over-mighty subject'
- He was a blood relation to the royal family
(a descendent of King Edward III) + an
owner of vast, landed estate that stretched
across England + English-owned parts of
- He seemed to be everything Henry was not:
- A capable politician
- A warrior of distinction
- A father of healthy sons
- His strength of
personality matched his
- Which by the 1450s was to
embrace the crown of England
- York was not alone in aspiring even
greater land, wealth + power: these
aims were shared by almost all nobles
- Where they differed - his
over-reaching ambition
- Somerset, Suffolk +
Gloucester too were
'over-mighty subjects' - but
they only wanted to control
the crown
- The outbreak of the Wars of the Roses
showed that Henry was no longer in
control of his nobility + in turn they had
allowed that political rivalry to spill over
into armed conflict
- This suggests - the Wars of the Roses was as
much a war between nobles as one between the
monarchy and the nobles