Techniques in Neuroscience


Techniques in Neuroscience Mindmap am Techniques in Neuroscience, erstellt von alexlpeart am 10/04/2014.
Mindmap von alexlpeart, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Techniques in Neuroscience
  1. EMG
    1. Bigland-Richie 1981
      1. Different muscle fiber types in one muscle results in non linear relationship between EMG and force output
      2. Koster 2002
        1. Balistic movement EMG activity - Triphasic response. Bicep iniciates movement, tricep stops it then bicep dampens the ossilations
      3. EEG and MEG
        1. Hills 2012
          1. Reveiwed the use of ECoG in humans, suggesting its benafit of both good spatial and temporal resolution
          2. Plichta 2013
            1. Combining EEG and fMRI to look at Brain activity associated with established reward response.
            2. Keil 2001
              1. Rotating face study, got people to watch rotating faces and then recorded EEG. Found that when face was normal orientation gamma activity was highest as we recognise that shape. Shows gamma activity is asocciated with increased gamma
              2. Csibra 2000
                1. Got infants to look at a square illusion. When they could see the square higher gamma activity seen. Only gamma increases when 6 moths old as they could recognise the square shape
              3. Applications of brain Imaging
                1. Wolpaw 2002
                  1. Review paper looking at EEg controlled BCI interfaces. Using frequency analysis he found that beta activity decreased just before a movement was made.
                  2. Leuthardt 2004
                    1. Looked at using ECoG for BCI in humans and found that activity changed with imagined movements
                    2. Hochberg 2006
                      1. Looked at local field potentials as a was of controlling BCI in paraplegic person and found there was still a drop in beta activity when the go command was given
                      2. ROS 2010
                        1. Neurofeedback to subjects and found that with training EEG activity can be decreased and brain excitability also decreased
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