Zusammenfassung der Ressource
9. Personal Conflict
- The meeting at Freteval in 1170
saw compromise reached on a
personal level - the C of C were
not discussed.
- Barber: 'a clash of
personalities rather
than one of high
- Many historians view the stubborn and arrogant
personalities of both Archbishop and King as
being to blame for the escalation of the dispute
- Becket
- Becket missed the point that he was purely appointed
as archbishop because he was a loyal servant for the
purpose of bringing the church under control
- Lack of support from
the bishops suggests
that this was Becket's
dispute only
- Becket was vain and
stubborn and believed
that his office made him
equal with the king
- Too arrogant to play by Henry's rules
- Did his arrogance cloud his judgement? e.g at C of
C initially supporting the constitutions then changing
his mind - he just expected the bishops to follow him
- William fitzStephen: 'the king
regarded it an affront that... the
archbishop should withdraw from
his obedience and oppose him'
- From the outset Becket
took a confrontational
approach to Henry
- Resigning as chancellor in 1162 without consulting Henry
- In 1163 opposing
the Sheriff's Aid tax
- During his time in exile
he excommunicated
his political rivals
- Still not willing to
compromise after Freteval -
had an 'agenda' on his return,
excommunicating those
involved in YH's coronation
- Becket continually
provoked Henry, always
refusing to cooperate
- Warren: 'He brought a violent death upon himself
because he could not bring himself to admit that
his reading of the situation had been mistaken'
- Henry stripped Becket of his castles and baronies in
Berkhamsted and Eye, in response to the archbishop's
intolerance. In revenge, Becket disallowed the marriage of
Henry II's brother William FitzEmpress to the wealthy
Isabella, on the grounds that they were related
(consanguinity). William died in Jan 1164, allegedly due to
a broken heart. Henry held Becket personally and directly
responsible. This turned the dispute personal
- Henry
- Getting Roger of York
to crown YH was a
deliberate insult to
Becket to get him to
return to England
- Henry attacks Becket in 1164,
trying him for two offences - angered
by his ex-friend's disobedience
- Escalated the dispute through this
political move to discredit Thomas
- One was related to
misappropriation of
funds while
- Henry had inherited the famous
Angevin temper. It was this that
led to the murder of Becket
- Henry refused to give
the Kiss of Peace at
Montmartre in 1169.
- However, at Freteval in 1170 he
was willing to reach a compromise
- Conclusion: The heart of the dispute was clearly about deep
seated principles. Henry was concerned to champion Royal
rights with the same vigour Becket wished to defend the
Church. However, it was the personality of these two stubborn
men which caused the dispute to escalate; neither were willing
to loose face or reach a compromise over their principles