Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Egyptian Medicine
- Wealth
- Rulers were wealthy
- The rich could
employ 'doctors' to
look after them
- Skilled craftsmen
were employed by the
rich to make fine
jewellry and doctors
- Writing
- They made paper from papyrus reeds
- Doctors could record symptoms
and treatments to help them treat
future patients
- Treatments and remedies could be written down
- Trade
- Ships could travel long
distances around the
- Ships from India,
China and parts of
Africa- bought new
plants/ remedies with
- Farming
- Farms along the Nile had irrigation ditches,
which if blocked led to poor harvests
- This led to doctors believing that the body had channels
- Many herbs were
recommended so a wide
range was grown
- The flooding of the Nile every year left
the ground fertile
- Religion
- There was belief in life after death,
so bodies were embalmed to
preserve them
- This enabled the Egyptians to gain a
basic knowledge of anatomy