Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Why did Cromwell fall from power?
- Factional rivalries
- Cromwell's enemies at court made use
of the failed Cleves marriage
- The Duke of Norfolk used his niece, Catherine
Howard, to gain influence with Henry again
- Catherine was encouraged to
spread rumours about
Cromwell at court
- Norfolk accused Cromwell of protecting a
group of extreme Protestants in Calais - to
drive a wedge between Cromwell and Henry
- Norfolk conversed with the King of
France in 1540
- They discussed the fall of Cromwell
and a restart of war between France and
the Holy Roman Empire
- This improved Norfolk's relationship with Henry
- Religious policies
- Cromwell could make religious decisionson
behalf of the King because of his
appointment as vicegerent in spirituals in
- Cromwell's Protestant ideas were too
radical for Henry
- Henry was influenced by religious
conservatives eg Steven Gardiner
- Lambert's death was followed by a royal
proclamation against heretics and
showed Henry's more conservative views
on religion
- This was further confirmed by the Act of
Six Articles which reinforced Catholic
ideas eg transubstantiation
- Royal marriages
- Cromwell arranged the Anne of
Cleves marriage. Henry thought
Cleves ugly and blamed Cromwell
for the marriage's failure
- This weakened Henry's
relationship with Cromwell
- Henry also disliked
Cromwell's extreme
reformist policies
- Hapsburg-Valois conflict ended
the need for a Protestant alliance
- Numerous marriages
displeased the Pope
- Pope excommunicated Henry in 1538