Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Impact of WWI on Italy
- Political/Social
- 650,000 men killed
1,000,000 wounded
- workers were pushed into unions
- 1919 strike -
2,000,000 participated
- Businesses saw the Liberals as
weak - they wouldn't crush the strikes
- 1919 Occupation of Fiume
- 2,000 armed men
involved, occupied for 15
- 1919 Treaty of St Germain - Italy
gained Tyrol, Trentino, Istria
BUT NOT all of Dalmatia or Fiume
- Liberals were blamed for 'Mutilated Victory'
- Socialist Party membership
1914 50,000 1919 200,000
- 1919 election -
Socialists win 32.4% of the vote
- Economic
- Companies (such as Fiat) found their
products were no longer in demand
- 2,000,000 unemployed by 1919
- National Debt
1914 16 billion lira
1919 85 billion lira
- the Liberal government printed extra money - led
to inflation, middle class lost their savings and
lower class suffered drastically