Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- With the demise of God, Western culture may collapse into a
paralysed melancholy
- When we find out that the world does
not posses objective value and meaning
we want, we find ourselves in a crisis -
- Ubermensch prevents nihilism
- God gives us meaning,
any meaning is better
than none.
- God fills a void, no room for nihilism.
- Deconstruction commonly
labelled nihilistic because
it denies our ability to know
truth - Derrida
- Overcome by the
free spirit/ubermensch
- Rejection of all moral and religious principles in the belief that life is
- Extreme skepticism, nothing in the world has real
- Comes from Latin word 'nihil'
meaning nothing.
- Philosophy is part of a drive to
make sense of the world. To give
it value for individuals.
- Philosophy is already the normal
state of man - Heidegger.
- Myth of Sisphyus is a superb
metaphor of human existence - Camus
- Metaphysics is nihilistic - Heidegger.
- Surpressing individuality to the point where an
individuals uniqueness becomes non-existent and nothing
meaningful about his existence can be affirmed. -
- Active nihilism is a sign of strength, wiping
out of old values to lay down ones own
beliefs. Overcomes passive nihilism.
- Nothing concrete, no absolute truth
- Nihilism is a result of twisted dynamics in
Christian culture
- Human beings must attempt to be God like
to overcome nihilism.
- Nihilism can be embraced and bring
about tranquility - Ernst Junger