Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Conflict avoidance, management & dispute resolution procedures
- Conflict of interest
- Arises when independence and impartiality
is threatened due to the existence of a
conflict between two clients or a personal
- conflict avoidance
- don't accept
instruction in
accordance with RICS
Rules of conduct
- contact management
- Accepted and steps agreed and
put in place to manage conflict
e.g. a chinese wall (info barrier)
- solicitors (our company is too small)
- seperate team in seperate parts of the building
- examples
- financial interest
- personal interest (friend),
- Family member wanted to view G/head road
- Commercial relationships
- The interests of you or your firm
- acting on both sides of a transaction
- may also be a personal interest in the
property e.g. you live nearby or family
- must not let personal interest interfere or influence
your professional judgement
- can act but interest must be declared
as well as capacity in which you are
acting, for full transparency
- state if you will receive any remuneration over and above your fee (e.g. beneficiary)
- S 21 EAA 79, interest must be declared in writing at all stages of process, toe's, property particulars & heads of term
- referral fees?
- Red Book 2014
- PS2, 4 - Independence, objectivity
& conflict of interest & PS2, 5 -
Maintaining strict seperation
between advisors
- VPGA 2 - Valuation for secured lending - examples on how to
recognise an existing, former or potential conflict of interest with a
client, property or borrower where there has been a relationship
within the last 2 years
- Conflict of interest guidance note 2012
- Handling
- Step 1 - Conflict avoidance
- Step 2 - Written advice to both parties
- Step 3 - Conflict management
- If confirmation and acceptance of proposal is receive, set up info barriers as advised
- Barrier must be robust enough to offer no chance of info passing between 2 parties
- must take reasonable steps to operate an effective barrier
- surveyors acting on 2 sides must be different and physically seperated with seperate teams
- All info regarding instruction must be securely stored
- Firms compliance officer must oversee all actions
- 'Double running' describes situation where agents double their fees by acting for both buyer and seller
- 1. Disclose nature of conflict, circumstances surrounding it
and any other facts, set proposals of how will be dealt with e.g.
info barrier
- 2. Advise both clients to obtain independent professional advice on handling the
conflict from an external professional before proceeding if they have concerns or
require independent advice
- Request written confirmation from both clients that your firm can
act in accordance with the provisions of the proposal
- Obtain the full facts, consider whether the conflict
is irresolvable and should be avoided or whether
it can be properly managed
- If it can, decide whether you want to accept or decline
- Acting as an expert witness
- RICS pubilshed Practice Statement
'Surveyors acting as expert witnesses'
updated in 2011 to reflect outcome of
Jones V Kaney 2011
- Supreme court found that expert
witnesses are now not immune from
civil action in relation to evidence they
give in legal proceedings and that
they can be sued for negligence
- Related to provision of expert
evidence in relation to a personal
injury claim for post-traumatic stress
following a car crash
- Experts primary duty of care is to the court or dispute
resolution panel, even though the client pays the fee and there
is a duty of care to the client and wider public
- Expert provides a statement of truth and confirmation
that they will act impartially and objectively
- Contingency fees (no win no fee) are not allowed
- 'Hot tubbing' is where experts are sworn into cases alongside
each other and are given the chance to ask each other
- Acting as an advocate
- RICS published Practice Statement '
Surveyors acting as advocates',
- Represents client at a judicial
hearing/tribunal - like solicitor
- Must be competent and act in a way
to maintain integrity of judicial
- Dispute Res
- If you fail to reach an amicable resoution regarding
a complaint CHP doesn't reach satisfactory
outcome, there are 2 choices for further action
- litigation / court
following the civil
procedure rules
- ADR (Alternative
dispute resolution
- 5 (M A E A UUU (dragonsta din tei)
- Mediation
- Use of neutral mediator
(middle man) who facilitates
discussions and attempts to
find solution
- Confidential & informal
- 'Without prejudice' basis
- No decision making authority and
cannot impose a resolution (think
- Arbitration
- Appointment of arbitrator in a
quasi-judicial role in
accordance with Arbitration
Act 96
- Parties bound by the decision
- He will have specialist
knowledge of subject area
- Can't be sued for
negligence but decision
can be over-ruled by
the court of appeal on a
point of law
- Surveyors can act as an abritrator hving
passed Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
- PACT (Professional Arbitration on
Court Terms) is a form of arbitration
used for lease renewal disputes
- Expert Determination
- Independent expert with
expert knowledge of the
subject matter in dispute
is appointed by both
parties to consider
evidence and investigate
the dispute
- Both parties are bound by the
decision, he can use his own
opinion to decide upon the
- There is an RICS panel of
independent experts for service
charge dispute resolution
- Adjudication
- determines dispute in a
contractual process
- commonly used construction
payment disputes
- adjudicator must reach
decision within 28 days,
decision is legally binding
- Use of an ombudsman
- Not for profit organisation
that confidentially receives,
investigates and facilitates
the resolution (ombudsman
services: property)
- complaint is handled by an
investigation officer who will
review the case within 6
weeks or receipt and
provide a provisional
conclusion. Both parties
then have 28 days to reply
and any comments will be
considered when the
ombudsman makes final
- Ombudsman can make financial award
of upto £25l, if party still not satisfied
can go to the relevant court
- Advantages
- Speed, less time than lengthy court proceedings
- Informality, being outside court
- Greater scope for negotiation
- Cheaper, less money spent on prof/court fees
- Quality of decision making - outcome or award
can be made by a surveyor rather than a judge