criminal law unit 13


Mindmap am criminal law unit 13, erstellt von wilma.preston08 am 07/05/2013.
Mindmap von wilma.preston08, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von wilma.preston08 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

criminal law unit 13
  1. diceys rule of law
    1. important characteristic of uk constitution
      1. cant be punished unless its statutory or common law offence
          1. opportunity for fair trial
        1. human rights act 1998
          1. can challenge decisions
              1. convention rights i.e right to privacy art 8
            1. right to freedom and speech art 10
                1. actus reus
                  1. guilty act
                      1. mens rea
                        1. guilty mind
                            1. guilty mind
                        2. mens rea
                    1. standard of proof
                    2. burden of proof
                      1. crowns reponsibility
                        1. beyond reasonable doubt
                          1. crowns responsibility
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