Zusammenfassung der Ressource
7. 19th Century Medicine
- Who treated illness?
- Doctors
- Surgeons
- Hospital
- What did they think caused
- Bad air/ Miasma
at first
- Germs were
discovered in 1857
- Treatment/Prevention
- Vaccinations
- Antiseptic
- Carbolic Acid
- Anaesthetics
- Chloroform
- Clean Hospital
- Key ideas
- Vaccinations
- Discovered by Edward
- Safer way to
prevent diseases
- Germ theory
- Due to the
development of
- Scientist can now see
germs and link it them to
- Example of change
- Germ Theory
- People now
know what
causes diseases
- New drugs
for surgery
- New way to
- Cleaner
- Better Public
- Example of continuity
- No antibiotics
- People still pay for
medical care
- Belief about disease and
illness continue in the
19th Century
- Take a long time for people to
accept the germ theory
- Key figures
- Louis Pasteur
- First suggested Germ theory
- Germ theory caused disease
- He wanted to find out
what made beer and
wine go bad
- Discovered a vaccine for
Chicken Cholera by chance
- He also develop a
vaccine against rabies
- Robert Koch
- Koch began linking disease
to the microbe that caused
- Developed a solid medium to
grow culture to look at germs
- He also developed dyeing
technique to colour germs making
them easier to see
- Identified different germ
caused different disease
- Identified Anthrax and
Cholera bacteria
- Edward Jenner
- Developed an
vaccination against
- He noticed that milkmaids
were immune to smallpox
- He tested the theory my
inoculating a boy called
James Phipps
- James Simpson
- In 1847 he discovered an
effective anaesthetic called
- The anaesthetic meant that
the patient could have pain
relief during surgery
- More complicated surgery
can be tried
- Anaesthetic
was widely
- More people died of infection to
start of with
- Mostly used in
- Queen Victoria used it
with her last child, it
became more popular
- Some people
opposite it due to
religious reasons
- Joseph Lister
- Carbolic Acid in
sewer got rid of bad
- Early 1860s started
using it in theatres
- Reduce infection rates
- He heard about Germ Theory
realised that germ are in the air and
on surgical instruments
- Started using Carbolic acid spray on
instrument and bandages led to another
reduce in infection rate
- Surgeon didn’t like the carbolic acid
spray as it irritated the skin
- Reduce surgery death rates
from 50% to 15%
- Edwin Chadwick
- Wrote an report about living
conditions and health of the
poor during Industrial
- Terrible Cholera
outbreak in 1831
- In 1848 follow the cholera and the
report a Public Health Act was pass to
encourage to clean up town and cities
- wasn’t compulsory
and man did nothing
- In 1857 Public Health Act
was passed
- The government had to do
something to improve Public
- Florence Nightingale
- Horrific condition in Crimea War
(1854-56) Nightingale brought to the
public’s attention
- She went to Crimea to improve
Hospital conditions for British
- Introduce clean sheets,
ward, fresh air and
organization into the hospital