7. 19th Century Medicine


Facts about 19th Century and basic facts about Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, Edward Jenner. James Simpson, Joseph Lister, Edwin Chadwick and Florence Nightingale. Comment below If this helps you :)
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7. 19th Century Medicine
  1. Who treated illness?
    1. Doctors
      1. Surgeons
        1. Hospital
        2. What did they think caused diseases?
          1. Bad air/ Miasma at first
            1. Germs were discovered in 1857
            2. Treatment/Prevention
              1. Vaccinations
                1. Antiseptic
                  1. Carbolic Acid
                  2. Anaesthetics
                    1. Chloroform
                    2. Clean Hospital
                    3. Key ideas
                      1. Vaccinations
                        1. Discovered by Edward Jenner
                          1. Safer way to prevent diseases
                        2. Germ theory
                          1. Due to the development of microscopes
                            1. Scientist can now see germs and link it them to disease
                        3. Example of change
                          1. Germ Theory
                            1. People now know what causes diseases
                            2. New drugs for surgery
                              1. New way to prevent disease (vaccinations)
                                1. Cleaner hospital
                                  1. Better Public Health
                                  2. Example of continuity
                                    1. No antibiotics
                                      1. People still pay for medical care
                                        1. Belief about disease and illness continue in the 19th Century
                                          1. Take a long time for people to accept the germ theory
                                        2. Key figures
                                          1. Louis Pasteur
                                            1. First suggested Germ theory
                                              1. Germ theory caused disease
                                                1. He wanted to find out what made beer and wine go bad
                                                  1. Discovered a vaccine for Chicken Cholera by chance
                                                    1. He also develop a vaccine against rabies
                                                    2. Robert Koch
                                                      1. Koch began linking disease to the microbe that caused them
                                                        1. Developed a solid medium to grow culture to look at germs
                                                          1. He also developed dyeing technique to colour germs making them easier to see
                                                            1. Identified different germ caused different disease
                                                              1. Identified Anthrax and Cholera bacteria
                                                              2. Edward Jenner
                                                                1. Developed an vaccination against smallpox
                                                                  1. He noticed that milkmaids were immune to smallpox
                                                                    1. He tested the theory my inoculating a boy called James Phipps
                                                                    2. James Simpson
                                                                      1. In 1847 he discovered an effective anaesthetic called chloroform
                                                                        1. The anaesthetic meant that the patient could have pain relief during surgery
                                                                          1. More complicated surgery can be tried
                                                                            1. Anaesthetic was widely used
                                                                              1. More people died of infection to start of with
                                                                              2. Mostly used in childbirth
                                                                                1. Queen Victoria used it with her last child, it became more popular
                                                                                2. Some people opposite it due to religious reasons
                                                                                3. Joseph Lister
                                                                                  1. Carbolic Acid in sewer got rid of bad smells
                                                                                    1. Early 1860s started using it in theatres
                                                                                      1. Reduce infection rates
                                                                                      2. He heard about Germ Theory realised that germ are in the air and on surgical instruments
                                                                                        1. Started using Carbolic acid spray on instrument and bandages led to another reduce in infection rate
                                                                                        2. Surgeon didn’t like the carbolic acid spray as it irritated the skin
                                                                                          1. Reduce surgery death rates from 50% to 15%
                                                                                          2. Edwin Chadwick
                                                                                            1. Wrote an report about living conditions and health of the poor during Industrial Revolution
                                                                                              1. Terrible Cholera outbreak in 1831
                                                                                                1. In 1848 follow the cholera and the report a Public Health Act was pass to encourage to clean up town and cities
                                                                                                  1. wasn’t compulsory and man did nothing
                                                                                                  2. In 1857 Public Health Act was passed
                                                                                                    1. The government had to do something to improve Public Health
                                                                                                  3. Florence Nightingale
                                                                                                    1. Horrific condition in Crimea War (1854-56) Nightingale brought to the public’s attention
                                                                                                      1. She went to Crimea to improve Hospital conditions for British Soldiers
                                                                                                        1. Introduce clean sheets, ward, fresh air and organization into the hospital
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