Zusammenfassung der Ressource
6. Testing and running solutions
- errors
- syntax- error used in the programming
language- e.g: missing braces, no
semi-colon, missing parts of constructs
- logical- caused by the mistakes in the
design of the program, code will run but
will not give the right results
- run-time- happens while the program is
running, syntax is fine but when run an
error is found due to mistakes in the
algorithm or an external reason- e.g.:
out of memory, divide by 0...
- testing
- black box test data can be:
- NORMAL- very surely and completely within
the range (should be accepted)- makes sure
that the program performs properly,
- BORDERLINE- on the border of range
(v. important)- most errors are when
borderline data is not accepted,
- INVALID- outside the range (should be rejected),
should check all data to make sure program works
- testing strategies:
- BLACK BOX: inputs tested to
see if they produce the
outputs that should be, done
by customers, all parts of test
data is tested
- What is done: requirements and
specifications of the system examined, data
checked to see if expected outputs are git,
test cases created and executed, outputs
compared, defects fixed and retested
- Finds: incorrect/ missing
functions, interface errors, data
structure errors, performance
errors, initialisation and termination
- Advantages: does not need to
know coding, less bias (third
party), test cases can be tested
as soon as spec is produced
- Disadvantages: way program works is
not considered, test cases are difficult to
design, time consuming to test every
input, white box has to still be carried out
- WHITE BOX: testers test
each line of code for logic
and accuracy, normally tests
extremes, done manually or
debugging software
- Advantages: helps optimize the
code, can test effectively as it is
easy to find the best data to use,
tested by programmer so they
know the program well
- Disadvantages: Uses
specific programming
knowledge, Only works if
the programmer know
what the program actually
does, Does not account
for errors that are created
from omission
- ACCEPTANCE: done when the
software is complete, programmer
has to prove that the program fits all
of the customers specification, can
be done as alpha or beta testing
- ALPHA: done in the
company where
employees who did
not produce software
test it
- Advantages: uses both
black box and white box
testing, problems are
sorted immediately
- Disadvantages: doesn't check
reliability robustness and security,
requires testing environment,
software might not be complete so
might still contain errors
- BETA: privileged customers
test the software and give
back constructive criticisms
- Advantages: checks
reliability robustness
and security, can be
done anywhere,
software virtually
complete but might
sill have bugs
- Disadvantages:uses only black
box testing, problems implemented
in future versions of software
- dry runs(trace tables)
- put each variable and track
the value of each variable
- debugging tools
- translator diagnostics- points out if
there are any errors in the code by
saying which part of which line is
wrong- error messages - syntax error
- Break point- tell it to pause at a
certain point in the code- can go
through line by line after- can trace
variables in a trace table- double
click to add it- logical or run time
- stepping- going through the code
line by line- can do it at your speed-
check variables- logical or run time
- variable checks- trace
tables- look at variables
and their value at each
point- can look at
patterns to find errors-
logical and run time error
- purpose of an installation routine
- Copy program
from CD to
- Copy any
data files
from the CD
to computer
- Copy and registered
any library routines
which are needed
from CD to computer
- Check for any
- Check for space
- Check for
- Register the
program in
the computer
- Enable the
program to be
uninstalled later
- Initial user
configuration is
saved in a file
- Provide an icon or
shortcut so that the
program can be run easily
- Programs may need extracting
from a compressed file