The Life Cycle of a star


Life cycle of a star, GCSE Physics 2B
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Life Cycle of a star
  1. Protostar
    1. Main sequence star
      1. Red SUPER giant
        1. Supernova
          1. Neutron Star
            1. EXPLODING supernova THROWS OUTER LAYERS OF DUST + GAS into space
              1. VERY DENSE CORE IS LEFT
            2. Black Hole
              1. If the star is big enough, IT WILL THEN BECOME A BLACK HOLE
              2. The above EXPLODES to form a supernova
                1. Elements HEAVIER THAN IRON are made
                  1. They are ejected into the universe to form new stars/ planets
                2. Stars BIGGER than our sun
                  1. It's red because THE SURFACE COOLS
                      1. STARTS TO GLOW BRIGHTLY AGAIN
                      2. Elements AS HEAVY as iron are formed
                      3. Red giant
                        1. The fuel for the main sequence star (HYDROGEN) RUNS OUT
                          1. Elements SUCH AS IRON are made by NUCLEAR FUSION OF HELIUM
                          2. Planetary Nebula
                            1. White Dwarf
                              1. The left over is a dense, solid core
                                1. Black Dwarf
                                  1. The WHITE DWARF COOLS
                                    1. This will eventually DISAPPEAR
                                  2. Red giant BECOMES UNSTABLE and EJECTS OUTER LAYER
                                2. GRAVITATIONAL ENERGY BECOMES HEAT ENERGY
                                  1. THIS CAUSES TEMPERATURE RISE
                                  2. HYDROGEN undergo NUCLEAR FUSION to form HELIUM
                                    1. They give out HEAT and LIGHT
                                    2. The star enters stable period, GRAVITATIONAL FORCES = OUTWARD PRESSURE
                                      1. THE STAR CAN STAY LIKE THIS FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS
                                      2. Starts as clouds of dust and gas
                                        1. FORCE OF GRAVITY makes the gas and dust spiral together
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