Zusammenfassung der Ressource
An Inspector
calls Themes
- responsiblity
- I final speech, make them aware
of "millions of Eva Smiths"
- Mr B - intrests of business are
more important than workers
- Mrs B her prejudice is so ingrained cant
be changed
- E - understands too late that his actions were
responsible for Eva
- S- improves her attitude and has matured
- class
- class influences the Birlings
behaviour and cause them to treat
people differently
- upper class had limited
sense of social
- it was easier to ignore stuff
than deal with them e.g
womanising, alcoholism
- inspector - if class system doesn't change -> war
- Mr B
- married his
social superioa
- uses G to promote his class
- ruin his
chance of
getting a
- Mrs B
- Women's charity organisation -
does it for the social status
- play shows how Priestley
saw society
- class clouds peoples judgments and they
should be judged on what they do not what
class they happen to be in
- Secrecy
- pretend to be a perfect family
- until someone is brave enough to challenge
- love/sex
- B sees marriage as a
business deal
- men were allowed mistress
- marrying a social class up = FAB
- generation diffrence
- S+A are traditional - don't like
their authority being
- S+E can learn their lesson,
there's a chance for an equal
society in future
- capitalist/ socialist
- Capitalist - Birlings
- criticises socialist writers
- socialist - inspector and JBP
- inspector is JBP mouth
piece of his views
- wants to spread awareness od social