Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Real or virtual space delimitated by borders
- Family
- Internet
- Society
- School
- Ability to influence the behavior of people. Several
forms of power can be applied to places
- Parental pressure on
children's choices
- Narrow-minded
- Billy's father's stereotypes
- Have a good future, a
better social background
- Michael's parents worked hard so he
could get that
- So his father doesn't want him to be a violonist while
he could go to the university
- Children try to resist
- Genetics (fiction: possibility?)
- Bokanovsky's process: produce identical
human beings in mass
- Dr Crowe's new strain of diseases
- Make big money
- Be the most powerful
- Google's data bank
- Counterpowers
- Media: the 4th power
- Information
- Denounce
- Networking: the 5th power
- Behavior: more childish
- Almost instantaneous
- Power of free speech
- Get power back into people's hands
- Very easy to do
- Dangers with social
- Cyberbullying
- Hack the accounts
- Teachers' influence
- Mr Cobb thinks that Michael
can succeed at the university