Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Perks of Being a Wallflower,
February 15 to April 26
- February 15, 1992
- Charlie goes to the Sadie Hawkins
dance with Mary Elizabeth, but we're
not sure if he actually dances.
- There's some
other dance
drama, though.
- Also, Charlie's sister and her secret
boyfriend seem to have some sort of
fight on the dance floor.
- February 23, 1992
- While waiting for her at the clinic, Charlie
does a lot of thinking about his sister.
- Ironically, she was the one who told
Charlie where babies come from.
- When his sister comes out,
the first thing she says is
"Charlie, are you smoking?!
- She says she's going to
tell Mom and Dad
- At home, Mom and Dad ask a lot
of questions about where they've
been, but Charlie's sister covers
their tracks pretty well.
- March 7, 1992
- According to Charlie,
"Girls are weird"
- At least, that's what he
thinks after his second
date with Mary Elizabeth.
- On to the date! Charlie and Mary
Elizabeth go to see a foreign language
film and then go to a record store.
- Mary Elizabeth asks Charlie if he
thinks she's pretty, and he says
she is "very pretty"
- March 28, 1992
- Charlie spends the first few pages of this letter
telling his reader how Mary Elizabeth talks a lot.
- Once, he put the phone down while she was
talking, went to the bathroom, and came back
and picked up the phone. She was still talking.
- After dinner, Charlie spends a lot of time
trying to process his feelings, or lack
thereof, for this girl.
- April 18, 1992
- Charlie's opener is a doozy:
"I have made a terrible mess
of things"
- He gives Mary Elizabeth
a copy of To Kill a
Mockingbird, because it's
very special to him.
- It all starts when Mary
Elizabeth gives Charlie
an E.E. Cummings book.
- April 26, 1992
- None of Charlie's friends are really talking to him
after the mess he made during the truth-or-dare
- When Charlie goes to visit his
aunt Helen's grave to clear his
mind, it doesn't help.
- Near the end of the letter,
Charlie has a wish
- "I just wish that God or my parents
or Sam or my sister or someone
would just tell me what's wrong with
me. Just tell me how to be different
in a way that makes sense. To make
this all go away. And disappear"