Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Robespierre Key person
- Early Life
- Born in Arras in 1758
- Supported by the Sans Culleots
- Very bright & well educated
- Won scholarship to study in Paris
- Became a Lawyer & then Judge
- Could not bring himself to kill people so he quit
- Known as "the
incorruptible one"
- Member of the 3rd estate
- National Assembly
- Member of Jacobins
- Radicals
- Sat on the left
- Want change quickly
- Declare France a Republic
- Want to execute the King
- Flight to Varennes
- Beheaded in 1793
- Guillitone
- "National Razor"
- Committee of Public Safety
- Reduce King's power
- Known as "The Convention"
- The Terror
- The Law of Suspects
- Courts set up
- Suspects beheaded
- Those against Revolution
- Clergy & Nobles
- Supporters of King in the Assembly
- Opponents of Robspierre
- 40,000 killed
- 1793-1794
- Robespierre turns on allies like Danton
- Results
- Robespierre executed
- Conditions for poor don't change
- Directory now in Charge
- Napoleon becomes Emperor
- Inspires Irish