Zusammenfassung der Ressource
How far was Henry in
control of court politics and
faction from 1536 to1547?
- Henry controlled faction
- Henry did not appoint a chief
minister to replace Cromwell
- Led 48,000 men to battle
in France in June 1544
- His appointment of "new men"
showed he did not rely on just
the gentry and nobility
- Christmas speech in 1545 argues against
factions and wanted to find a middle path
for religion
- Plot against Parr - Henry played
both sides against each other
- Earl of Surrey's execution
showed once people were no
longer useful they were
disposed off
- Henry put forward the Act
of Six Articles rather than
Gardiner of Norfolk
- But may have been steered by conservatives
as the Act was predominantly Catholic-based
- Henry treated John Lambert harshly by
burning him at the stake in 1538, shows he
is in control of religious matters
- But Gardiner was present at Lambert's address
and so was an integral part of the prosecution
- The Cleves marriage showed that Cromwell's
intentions to increase reformist influence over
the King was disregarded by the King's wishes
- Catherine Howard's adultery meant Norfolk
and his son removed themselves from court
as they had fallen out of Henry's favour
- Henry executed up to 150,000 people
(out of a population of 2 million in 1520)
- The plot against Cranmer showed Henry
had learned from his mistake with Cromwell
- Gardiner's refusal to hand over ecclesiastical lands to
Henry in late 1546 resulting in his exclusion from court
- Quotes
- P Gwyn argues "Henry was not
someone who could be easily
- P Gwyn argues factions "were never able
to manage him to any significant extent"
- Factions controlled Henry
- Cranmer delivered accounts of Catherine Howard's
adultery in mass - the conservative faction had
compiled evidence against her behind the King's back
- The plot against Catherine Parr shows
the conservatives trying to get rid of her
reformist influence
- Denny's appointment as Chief Gentleman of the Privy
Chamber meant he had more access to the King and used
his access to the dry stamp to improve the reformist cause
- Henry's will was changed/ignored before he was even buried
- Cromwell's downfall
- Norfolk accused Cromwell of being a heretic
- Robert Barnes (a reformer) was put under
pressure by Gardiner to turn on Cromwell
- He was convicted by an Act of Attainder which
was steered through the Lords by Norfolk
- Quotes
- Scarisbrick: "Catherine Howard...
had been placed before a ready
King, and the bait worked quickly"
- Henry needed factions, but they were a risk
- Henry's Christmas speech
against factional rivalries was
only in the last two years of
Henry's reign when he was ill
and weak
- Marriage to Catherine Howard was
liked by Henry but also benefitted
Duke of Norfolk and the
conservative faction
- Factional struggles could be controlled
during the majority of Henry's reign but it
was during the last two years, when Henry
was sick and weak, that they became a risk
as he could not control them