Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Religion and
- What is prejudice?
- Prejudice is the process of 'pre-judging'
something or someone. It is an opinion that is
not based on fact. Prejudice is the thought.
- What is discrimination?
- Discrimination is the unfair treatment of a
person or a group based on a prejudice.
Discrimination is the action and is illegal.
- Prejudice is the opinion. Discrimination
is the action.
- What can a person be judged
- Sexuality
- Age
- Disability
- Appearance: weight, hair colour
- Race
- Religion; anti-sematism, Islamaphobia
- Gender
- Laws can stop discrimination, but not prejudice because
discrimination is the action and it can be physically stopped,
whereas prejudice is an opinion and can't be stopped.
- Scapegoat: A person or a group
made to bear the blame for others or
to suffer in their place.
- Stereotypes: A widely held but fixed and
oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of
person or thing.