Augustine's Teaching on Human Nature


A2 Religious Studies (Christian Thought) Mind Map on Augustine's Teaching on Human Nature, created by Rosa Minani on 27/02/2017.
Rosa Minani
Mindmap von Rosa Minani, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rosa Minani
Erstellt von Rosa Minani vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Augustine's Teaching on Human Nature
  1. Augustine's Life
    1. Mother-Monica-Inspiration
      1. Born in N.Africa
        1. Christian Philosopher
          1. Lifecycle
            1. Manichee- Good v. Evil
              1. Neoplatoism- Plato's ideas
                1. Christian Influence (Ambrose)- St. Ambrose's preaching influence.
                  1. Christian Conversion & Beliefs- Converted @ 32. Priest then Bishop.
                    1. Own writings- 'City of God' and 'Confessions'.
          2. Original Sin
            1. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit on the tree which led too...
              1. Evil
                1. Greed
                  1. Terrorism
                    1. Money
                    2. Before
                      1. State of perfection
                        1. God provided for us
                          1. Concordia-healthy, relaxed relationships that friends have.
                        2. Free Will
                          1. Augustine believed this was misused.
                            1. Sin= not God's fault.
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