Franco 1956-75


Mindmap am Franco 1956-75, erstellt von alveekhan06 am 24/04/2014.
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Franco 1956-75
  1. Economy: 1956-59 price of goods rose 20% in a year, faster than wages and production. Loans came in from the US but could only be spent in Spain, which led to inflation. Economic troubles led to student and worker protests.
    1. ECONOMIC CHANGE- Falange- Leading Fascist, Jose Arrese, proposed to solve the crisis by returning to autarky. 1957- Cabinet reshuffle. Used this to turn against Falangists. They had low support so Franco could sideline them. Franco promoted "technocrats" linked to Opus Dei (catholic organisation). They introduced a free market, and the 1959 "Stabilisation Plan". Measures included control of money supply, wage controls and promotion of foreign investment. Free market and technocrats role was one of four reasons for the economic boom between 1960-75.
      1. Foreign investment- 1960-74 the Spanish economy attracted $7.6 billion dollars of foreign investment. This encouraged the production of high tech goods. By 1970, 50% of investment in the Spanish car industry.
        1. Emigration: In 1959 500,000 Spaniards emigrated, sending around $126 billion back to spain. Next decade a further 1 million spaniards went to work abroad. Improved social situation by reducing unemployment.
          1. Four million tourists in 1959, with 14 million tourists; by 1975 30 million tourists spending $3.5 billion dollars.Impacts of tourism: Influenced by western values; e.g. bikini. Spain forced to change, catholic conservative image cast of. Increase of women in the work force; 16-30% from 1950-74.
        2. SOCIAL CHANGE INFLUENCED HEAVILY BY ECONOMY- Education: During 1960s gov spent more on education than on military. Illiteracy rates declined from 11% in 1960 to 6% in 1970. By 1970- one third of university students were women.
          1. Social welfare improved- By 1974- 79% of people covered by social welfare schemes. Life expectancy increased to 73 in 1975.
            1. Consumer economy- New advertising promoted dating, smoking, cinema attendance, long hair for men.
            2. LIMITS OF SOCIAL CHANGE: Moral teachings of church continued to have influence over social policy, particularly over sexual morality. Contraception banned and pornography prohibited; black market continued to produce contraception and pornography.
            3. OPPOSITION AND REPRESSION- Student protests- 1964/5; marched and went on strike. Authorities responded by banning the official Student Union (SEU). Granada 1971- Martial law was imposed. Repression failed to stop protests. Workers unrest took the form of strikes.
              1. Franco continued to personally sign all death warrants until just months before his death.
              2. POLITICAL CHANGE- 1964- Law of Associations (legalised formation of non political small groups). Increased activity among community. 1966 Press Act- Newspapers could appoint their own editors as long as publications respected principles of the Nationalist movement. (Fines, suspensions as punishment- much less severe) July 1967- Religious freedom act; threatened the clergy's position in society.
                1. Journalistic freedom gradually undermined the authority of Franco's government and subsequently led to social unrest.
                  1. By 1970s upper clergy and pope in particular stood against Franco in defence of Human rights.
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