Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Medical Ethics
- Abortion
- Roman Catholics
- Pro life: Against abortion
- Should only be allowed in ectopic pregnancy
- Life begins at conception: "Do not murder"
- "You knit me together in my mothers womb"
- A foetus has the right to life.
- Adoption is a better option
- Church of England
- Pro choice: Abortion is sometimes acceptable.
- Mothers choice.
- Ageape'
- "Treat others as you would like to be
- Prevents 'backstreet' abortion
- Fertility Treatment
- IVF (In-Vitro Fertilisation)
- Sperm and egg put together in a
- More than one embryo is created so some are destroyed.
- Embryo placed in mothers womb.
- AID (Artificial insemination of Donor)
- Anonoymous donor of sperm or egg.
- AIH (Artificial insemination of Husband)
- Husbands sperm is inserted into the woman
- Surrogacy
- An egg is fertalised and
placed in another womans
- Cloning
- Reprodutive
- Therapeutic
- Roman Catholic
- Reproductive Unnatural
- Therapeutic is immoral
- Church of England
- Therapeutic is OK because it can help humans.
- Reproductive is unnatural