Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Romeo and Juliet - Context
- Staging
- The play was first performed in
- 16th and 17th century audiences watched
at open air theatres in the day
- The stage had no scenery, few props, and
women were played by young boys
- The poor (groundlings) stood closest to the
stage - wealthier people paid higher prices for
seated galleries
- Queen
- Reigned from
- England prospered and was very
important in Europe - but not all citizens
supported her
- She did not marry (defying
gender roles/expectations of
patriarchal society of the time) -
this may have been due to her
infertility/prevention of political
instability and power loss
through her husband
- Setting of the
- 14th Century Verona,
- Successful and
cultured city
- However - suffered from widespread
violence/deadly battles over issues
including the rivalry between Emperor
supporters and Pope supporters
- Montecchi and Capuleti families
were real - fighting for power in
- Society was significantly divided in Verona
- power fights, struggles, challenges,
insults and duels lead to violence and
fighting - defence of honour is more
important than life itself in the play
- The Bubonic
- Plague killed 1/3 of Italian population in 14th
- Killed 17,000 people in London due to an outbreak (1592
- The Black Death)
- The most famous way to avoid the plague was to walk
around with flowers in or around noses - people
would be able to "ward off the stench and perhaps
the evil that afflicted them"
- Astrology
- In 14th Century Italy and Elizabethan
England - stars were linked to fate
and fortune, believed to
predict/influence human events
- Boethius - a 6th Century philosopher -
very popular at the time
- Believed that fortune
(good and bad) along
with God control his
- Fortune is random - bad fortune
is more important, can teach
humans about evil
- Gender
- 14th Century Italy and Elizabethan
England were patriarchal societies
- Women were denied all
political rights - legally
subject to their husbands
- Disobedience was seen as a crime
against religion
- Women who did not marry were forced
to live under control of a male relative,
she would become a nun
- Aristocratic families married
their young daughters to well off
men - girls were eligible at 14
years old
- Girls expected to become wives and
- The Catholic Church
- Catholics secretly plotted to overthrow Queen
Elizabeth, she had a Protestant rule
- Catholics involved were executed and enforced a harsh reign
on Catholics later as her power increased
- Patriarchal
- Patriarchal society - one which is
ruled/dominated by men
- Fathers are of prime
- Particularly present in Capulet's character
- He gives orders to Lady Capulet and Juliet
- He is much older than Lady Capulet,, she
was married to him as a young girl, and he
becomes a father-figure to Lady Capulet as
- Males have complete control over their
wife and daughters, would hold all the
wealth and land
- Influences
- The Tragicall Historye of Romeus
and juliet - Arthur Brook (1562
- Similar plot
- Key Differences
- Events take place over 9 months
- Tale does not open with conflict
- Juliet is 16
- Mercurio, Nurse and other minor
characters are less well developed
- Ovid's Pyramus and Thisbe (Metamorphoses)
- 2 lovers in Babylon live in connected houses
- They are forbidden to wed because of parent's rivalry
- They whisper their love through a crack in the wall
- Pyramus believes Thisbe to have been eaten by a lion and kills himself
- Thisbe does the same after finding his dead body
- Pyramus' blood turned mulberry fruits from
white colour to red - the gods forever change
their colour to honour the lovers