Plural of nouns


1º ano Inglês Mindmap am Plural of nouns, erstellt von Enzo Sampaio am 02/03/2017.
Enzo Sampaio
Mindmap von Enzo Sampaio, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Enzo Sampaio
Erstellt von Enzo Sampaio vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Plural of nouns
  1. Nouns ending in ss,s,sh,ch,x,z
    1. ES
      1. Exceptions
        1. CH sounding K
          1. S
      2. Nouns ending in y
        1. Vowel
          1. S
          2. Consonant
            1. IES
          3. Nouns ending in O
            1. Vowel
              1. S
              2. Consonant
                1. ES
                2. Exceptions
                  1. Words with non-english origins
                    1. S
                3. Nouns ending in sound of F
                  1. VES
                  2. Irregular Cases


                    • man - men               foot - feet woman - women      tooth - teeth child - children          mouse - mice ox - oxen
                    1. Greek/Latin words


                      • crisis - crises          analysis - analyses criterion - criteria phenomenon - phenomena
                      1. Uncountable Nouns


                        • news information advice bread water rice
                        1. Compound Nouns


                          • grandmother - grandmothers stepmother - stepmothers mother-in-law - mothers-in-law
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