The Vestibular System (Balance)


Mindmap am The Vestibular System (Balance), erstellt von ness_sykes am 26/04/2014.
Mindmap von ness_sykes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ness_sykes vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Vestibular System (Balance)
  1. 2 Components:
    1. 3 Semicircular Canals
      1. Posterior
        1. Anterior
          1. Lateral (or "horizontal"
          2. 2 Otolith Organs
            1. Utricle
              1. Saccule
              2. Similarities: filled with fluid & hair cells


                • - Each are filled with fluid and a small patch of sensory hair cells  - Movements result in fluid flow which displaces hair cells and leads to sensory responses
              3. Principle Planes & Axes
                1. 3 linear Axes: X, Y, Z
                  1. Z Axes: along the spine and out the top of the head
                    1. Y Axes: Through our ears out the other side
                      1. X Axes: From back of the head, through our noes in front of us
                        1. Rotate around these axes (but stay within the plane of the other two)
                          1. Frontal (Roll)
                            1. Like a cartwheel around the X axes
                            2. Median (Pitch)
                              1. Like nodding your head or forwards roll around the Y axes
                              2. Transverse (Yaw)
                                1. Z Axes - Pirowet spinning around on the spot
                            3. Any movements we make are combinations of these 6 ways of moving


                              • Along the:  X, Y & Z Axes Frontal (roll), Medium (pitch), Transverse (yaw) planes 
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