In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


Mindmap am In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?, erstellt von Maddie Hulbert am 03/03/2017.
Maddie Hulbert
Mindmap von Maddie Hulbert, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Maddie Hulbert
Erstellt von Maddie Hulbert vor fast 8 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  1. By researching different types of films at the beginning of the task, it helped me in the way of realising what the conventions of media actually were and how i could develop them within my own two minute scene task. 'Annabelle' is a film that i chose to analyse, as it is a normal stereotypical horror, and therefore gave me insight on what to add and what not to add. I also analysed 'The Excorsist' and found out there were many typical conventions such as:
    1. A calm diegetic sound at the start of the film to set the pace -equilibrium; During the first scene there are lots of fast paced shots to let the watcher know it is going to be a scary film; more horror scenes than normal scenes - disequilibrium; the sound track often changes pitch when horror scenes are being shown; moist probably a protagonist and antagonist shown.
    2. We took these conventions into consideration and then used some for our own two minute scene. We decided to use:
      1. Lots of different fast paced shots; antagonist and protagonist shown and a 'thriller' soundtrack.
      2. We continued to use a stereotypical scene in our two-minute task, and used two people who are running from an antagonist, however, we challenged the conventions by having the victims as two males and not two females, as the stereotypical victims would be seen as girls. So therefore we switched the gender roles to to essentially the change the typical conventions.
        1. While researching further into narratives of the conventions of films i have found out that Todorov's theory explains the narrative of the films, i have found out that Todorov's theory explains the narrative of the film and how they follow it.
        2. While researching about Todorovs theory i have found out that my group and i did not use it in chronological order, however, we have still used elements in it within our short scene.
          1. Overall i believe that my pre-lim task and my final piece both challenge the stereoytpical normal narratvives of typical films and i believe it also looks very professional and done preeorply with the web tools we used to edit it.
            1. Also, i feel that even though we challenge the gender conventions, we also used traditional story lines in order for the scene to be more appealing.
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